Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Welcome to the new course and blogs, wikis and podcasts. As discusssed fromt he website, you will be creating your own blog and will be viewing others blogs and posting to them. Hopefully you will be able to transfer this type of technology in your classroom.

In Week 1 you will  be creating your own blog. Have fun with it!

Stealing David Letterman's top ten, here are

Mrs. Woods' Top Ten list of using Blogs in the classroom:
1. Share materials, news, downloads, links and more

2. Facilitate online discussions and collaboration

3. Create a class publication that students can easily publish to and you can easily edit

4. Replace your newsletter and stay in touch with parents about what is going on in class

5. Get your students blogging so that they can share their work and thoughts

6. Share your lesson plans

7. Integrate videos, podcasts, and other media

8. Create blogs for clubs, student groups, events, sports teams, or just about any type of group

9. Get feedback or gather information

10. Create a fully functional website

Also, take a moment to check out the Commense Sense youtube vidoes -
*Blogs in Plain English  - it is a great introduction to this technology!

**If the video doesn't open up - do a search in youtube.com**